About Bri

Hello! I'm Bri, the person behind Baubles & Blessings. I started B&B from the most humble of beginnings in 2010. It's taken a long time and a lot of hard work, but after many years of honing my design and beading skills, becoming attuned and beginning to practice Reiki, and doing a whole lot of networking, B&B has become what it is today — a fully legitimate small business providing a humble income for one disabled person.

I am the full-time caregiver for my partner, who had multiple strokes several years ago. Even with better wages than caregivers in most states and my partner's SSDI check, the additional income from my jewelry is what enables us to actually afford to live in a safe, clean, mostly accessible apartment after spending nearly a decade in a crumbling building full of mold that made us very sick.

I served one year as a member of the Tacoma Human Rights Commission before having to resign due to my health.

I am unapologetically queer and nonbinary. My only pronouns are they/them. I'm an eclectic pagan witch, child and flamekeeper of the Celtic goddess Brighid. Coming from the perspective of a queer, trans person dedicated to a goddess who's all about justice, and who has been homeless and continues to know a degree of housing insecurity... To say that fairness, justice and compassion are a big deal to me is an understatement. My little family does our best to regularly support people and animals battling adversity, and we're always open to hearing about organizations that would benefit from the modest financial contributions that we're able to make.

I donate 5% of my gross sales to community care efforts each month, and post the receipts to FB, IG, and Reddit.

You can keep up with my newest work by following me on Facebook or signing up for my mailing list.

You are also welcome to follow me on my Facebook page, Bri the Bearded Spoonie Babe, as I work to celebrate self love, normalize facial hair for non-men, and encourage body positivity, while sharing sporadically about my life as a human who is queer, trans, neurodivergent, and disabled. I no longer post here regularly, but I do post about these same issues from time to time on the B&B page, and I'll probably use it as a backup if there's ever an issue with the B&B page.

Thank you SO much for your support! Your purchases and word of mouth seriously mean so much to me.

Much love and brightest blessings to you all!
